
unusual facts about Internationalism

Proletarian nation

Nazism rejected the Marxist concept of internationalist class struggle, it identified "class struggle between nations", and sought to resolve internal class struggle in the nation while it identified Germany as a proletarian nation fighting against plutocratic nations.

CUBA: Defending Socialism, Resisting Imperialism

John Kirk, professor of Latin American Studies at Dalhousie University, Canada (Kirk has published several books about Cuban international relations, history and culture. His most recent publication, co-authored with Professor Michael Erisman, 'Cuba's Medical Internationalism: Origins, Evolution and Goals', was published in 2009 by Palgrave Macmillan).

David F. Schmitz

The triumph of internationalism : Franklin D. Roosevelt and a world in crisis, 1933-1941 Washington, D.C. : Potomac Books, 2007 ISBN 9781574889307

Internationalist Books

The store name is a reference to the political philosophy of internationalism.

Léon Bérard

Bérard was strongly opposed to Esperanto, which he considered an instrument of Internationalism and a potential rival of French as a diplomatic language.

Otto Rühle

Otto Rühle (23 October 1874 in Großschirma – 24 June 1943 in Mexico) was a German Marxist active in opposition to both the First and Second World Wars, and a founder along with Karl Liebknecht, Rosa Luxemburg, Franz Mehring and others of the group and magazine Internationale, which posed a revolutionary internationalism against a world of warring states, and also the Spartacist League (Spartakusbund in German) in 1916.

see also