
unusual facts about Interrogation

Wessel Freytag von Loringhoven

On 26 July 1944, immediately before he was to be arrested by the Gestapo and fully aware of the interrogation techniques utilized by them, Loringhoven committed suicide at Mauerwald in East Prussia.

Aar Maanta

In protest, he staged a re-enactment of one such interrogation at Heathrow in the music video for his single "Deeqa".

Aleksandar Vasiljević

Vasiljević was instrumental in the JBTZ-trial as he was the interrogation official responsible to talking with Janez Janša which was centered around Slovene dissidents and publishing of sensitive information in the youth magazine Mladina.

Angèle Kremer-Marietti

Rhétoriques de la science (dir. Vincent de Coorebyter), Collection "L'interrogation philosophique", Paris, P.U.F., 1994.

Central Atlas Tamazight grammar

Tamazight's clefting, relativisation, and wh-interrogation cause what is called "anti-agreement effects", similarly to Shilha.

Church Report on detainee interrogation

The Church report on detainee interrogation and incarceration is a report completed under the direction of Vice Admiral Albert T. Church, an officer in the United States Navy.

Deuce Martinez

He also interrogated Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed after "enhanced interrogation techniques" had been used on them.

He interrogated Ramzi bin al-Shibh who cooperated without resorting to coercive interrogation methods.

He was involved at the start of the CIA interrogation of "high-value detainees," including Abu Zubaydah, Ramzi bin al-Shibh, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

He Luting

--on what date?--> He Lüting, who had drawn fire from a proletarian-minded critic for defending the music of Claude Debussy, was subjected to a physically abusive interrogation but refused to apologize.

Hubert Zemke

Captured after several days of evasion, Zemke was transported to several interrogation centers and interrogated by the famous Hanns Scharff.

Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008

The inserted provision would limit the CIA to the 19 interrogation tactics in the U.S. Army Field manual, effectively banning waterboarding, exposure to extreme temperatures and other techniques used on War on Terror detainees after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the U.S.

Interrogation of Abu Zubaydah

The CIA interrogation strategies were based on work done by James Elmer Mitchell and Bruce Jessen in the Air Force's Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE) program.

Iranian sex tape scandal

For a time Ebrahimi was rumored to have attempted suicide because of all the negative media attention after her police interrogation.

Jakob Sporrenberg

Sporrenberg has since been linked to the alleged German secret project Die Glocke (The Bell) by Polish writer Igor Witkowski, who claimed to have discovered the existence of Die Glocke from transcripts of an interrogation by Polish authorities of Sporrenberg.

Jeanette Arocho-Burkart

She was then hired as a civilian interrogation instructor at Fort Huachuca.

Jimmy Leonard Stolk

Stolk transported one of the victims of the December Murders, the military Jiwansingh Sheombar, from the Memre Boekoe barracks to Fort Zeelandia in his own car; according to Stolk by command of his superiors, and for interrogation.

Joanna Kavenna

This section clearly pastiches a tradition of dystopian dialogue, from William Morris through H G Wells, to Marge Piercy, as well as the classic sci-fi interrogation scene.

Karam Khamis Sayd Khamsan

Elements of the 519th Military Intelligence Battalion, under Captain Carolyn Wood, were responsible for the interrogation of captives in Bagram, before being transferred to Abu Ghraib, where they were to play a role in the abuse recorded in the photos that started to be released in the winter of 2005.

Krystyna Janda

In 1982, Janda played the lead character in Ryszard Bugajski's film Przesłuchanie (Interrogation), which first premiered 7 years later in 1989, following the collapse of communism.

Kurt Plötner

Plötner's work in the concentration camps came to the attention of Boris Pash, an American intelligence officer who would go on to work in the CIA at the time of Operation BLUEBIRD in the late 1940s, and the United States Navy's intelligence officers recruited him in 1945, permitting him to continue his interrogation research.

Maurice Audin

He was taken to the Villa Susini in the fashionable neighborhood of El Biar for interrogation.

Mečislovas Reinys

Documents in the Lithuanian Special Archives reveal the course of his interrogation; many of his relatives had been deported to Siberian labor camps, and the KGB offered to release them in exchange for his cooperation.

Medical torture

The SERE ("Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape") program's chief psychologist, Col. Morgan Banks, issued guidance in early 2003 for the "behavioral science consultants" who helped to devise Guantánamo's interrogation strategy although he has emphatically denied that he had advocated the use of SERE counter-resistance techniques to break down detainees.

Michael Gelles

Selections from the interviews appeared in the film where Gelles described how he and his boss at NCIS, Alberto J. Mora, and their colleagues learned of the use of abusive interrogation techniques, and their reactions.

Nancy Drew: Legend of the Crystal Skull

Players take on the first-person view of fictional amateur sleuth Nancy Drew and must solve the mystery through interrogation of suspects, solving puzzles, and discovering clues.

Nancy Drew: The Deadly Device

Players take on the first-person view of fictional amateur sleuth Nancy Drew and must solve the mystery through interrogation of suspects, solving puzzles and discovering clues.

Nicholas Langman

The Greek newspaper Proto Thema named Langman as being responsible for the abduction, interrogation and torture of at least 28 Pakistani nationals.

Norman Skelhorn

Prime Minister Edward Heath had banned sensory deprivation in light of the report by Sir Edmund Compton into internment and interrogation techniques used by the British Army and the Royal Ulster Constabulary.

Olga Bergholz

She spent 7 months in prison where she was beaten during an interrogation, causing the birth of a still-born child.

Operation Elster

During their interrogation, Colepaugh disclosed information that U-1230 was shadowed by a U-boat pack equipped with V-weapons, to be launched at New York City and Washington D.C. Washington was familiar with the weapons, having been launched at London previously.

Piazza Fontana: The Italian Conspiracy

The film deals with the reconstruction of the Piazza Fontana bombing that took place in Milan December 12, 1969, and of the tragic events that ensued, from the death of Giuseppe Pinelli, which occurred in mysterious circumstances during an interrogation, to the death of the Commissioner Luigi Calabresi, who had led the investigation.

Porter J. McCumber

In his position on the Pension Committee he was part of the interrogation of Colonel W.S. Metcalfe regarding alleged shooting of unarmed prisoners during the Philippine–American War, at the Battle of Caloocan on Feb 10 1899.

Saidiya Hartman

Hartman, who centers much of her interrogation of slavery's archive on Elmina Castle, inserts her own voice as one way to counter the silences surrounding forgotten slaves.


Some plants are in reality inmates or prisoners of war who have been promised better treatment and conditions in return for helping with the interrogation; the character played by William Hurt in the film Kiss of the Spider Woman is an example of this.

Steven L. Jordan

Jordan supervised the interrogation task force at Abu Ghraib, and was the second highest-ranking military intelligence officer there, serving under Col. Thomas Pappas who was granted immunity from prosecution so that he can testify against Jordan.

The Interrogation

:For the J. M. G. Le Clézio novel, The Interrogation (Le Procès-Verbal), see Le Procès-Verbal.

The Interrogation of Muscular POW

The Interrogation of Muscular P.O.W. is a 2014 war drama-action film starring Belarusian bodybuilder-turned-actor Vitaly Rudakovskiy, Chong-Yu Lan, Mike Sherman, and George Cheung.

The Interview

Almost the entire film takes place in a police interrogation room, with some short flashback sequences, and the cast consists primarily of three key actors—Hugo Weaving, Tony Martin, and Aaron Jeffery.

Thomas Pappas

Major General George Fay was appointed by General Paul Kern to conduct an investigation of prisoner abuse at the Joint Interrogation Debriefing Center (JIDC) in Abu Ghraib prison.

Tsche Chong-kil

For years, the government denied any involvement in his death, but in 2002 the Presidential Truth Commission announced the results of its investigation: during interrogation by the KCIA he fell, or was thrown, from a seventh story window; he is also believed to have been tortured.

Wavy Spice

A frank and personal interrogation of normative perceptions of colonial history, this track, and her vocal support of Queer, Trans*, woman and fem sexuality, have gained her critical acclaim and support in the music world from other QTPOC rappers such as Mykki Blanco and Le1f.

William Brydges

William Brydges' original acquittal was upheld by the Supreme Court of Canada as they agreed with the original trial judge's ruling of throwing out the interrogation evidence under Section 24(2) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

see also