
unusual facts about Intolerance


Acid intolerance of plants may be mitigated by lime addition and by calcium and nitrogen fertilizers.

Anne E. DeChant

Examples include Girls and Airplanes (gender equality), Green Hand (supporting troops post-war), Swastika (Holocaust denial), 25 (imbalance in economic status), and Second Class Citizen (prejudice and intolerance toward the gay community).


Others involve White America's misconception and intolerance about India, Hinduism, and Indian Americans which usually are confrontational.

Beyond Fitna

The film was produced by "NGO Islam and Christianity" in response to Fitna (the title being an Arabic term that means 'disagreement and division among people') by Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders, which made the case that Islamic texts promote violence and intolerance.


Bosutinib received US FDA and EU European Medicines Agency approval on September 4, 2012 and 27 March, 2013 respectively for the treatment of adult patients with Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph+) chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) with resistance, or intolerance to prior therapy.

Eric Drooker

During the 1980s, Drooker was further radicalized by his experiences with the police, due to their actions against squatters in the rapidly gentrifying Tompkins Square Park area and their increasing intolerance of unlicensed street artists and musicians.

Extended Duration Orbiter

Since space travelers may faint when they stand up (orthostatic intolerance) after returning to normal gravity even after short flights, and muscle strength may be reduced, the EDOMP project focused on ensuring that the crew could land the orbiter, and exit from it without help after a 16-day flight.

Franklin Place

These additional amenities for residents recalled what St Albans had done for St. James's Square, and were a bold move, considering that Puritan Boston had banned theatrical performances until December 1793 and had displayed religious intolerance throughout its history.

Funny current

Ivabradine is the most specific and selective If inhibitor and the only member of this family that is now marketed for pharmacological treatment of chronic stable angina in patients with normal sinus rhythm who have a contraindication or intolerance to beta-blockers.

Gerda Taro

Both took news photographs, but these were sold as the work of the non-existent American photographer Robert Capa (after Frank Capra), which was a convenient name overcoming the increasing political intolerance prevailing in Europe and belonging in the lucrative American market.

John Sidel

He has also begun work on a study of intolerance and persecution of religious deviance across the Muslim world, with a special focus on the treatment of the Ahmadiyya minority in a range of countries across Asia and Africa.

Joseph Carl Breil

He later composed and arranged scores for several other early motion pictures, including such epics as D. W. Griffith's Birth of a Nation (1915) and Intolerance (1916).


In an interview with the Washington Post, gastroenterologist Theodore Bayless of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine suggested that such a course can relieve symptoms of lactose intolerance, but the relief would not be permanent, particularly if the user were to take antibiotics at a later date.

Leopold Engleitner

In the years after the war, Leopold Engleitner continued to face isolation and intolerance, and only after the author and film producer Bernhard Rammerstorfer documented his life in 1999 in the book and documentary film Nein statt Ja und Amen, did the larger public become aware of him.


Kings inherited the duty to ensure Maat remained in place and they with Ra are said to "live on Maat", with Akhenaten (r. 1372-1355 BCE) in particular emphasising the concept to a degree that, John D. Ray asserts, the kings contemporaries viewed as intolerance and fanaticism.


In September 2011, Minhaj-ul-Quran organised a major "Peace for Humanity" conference at Wembley Arena in London at which, under the auspices of Tahir-ul-Qadri, its 12,000 attendees announced a global declaration denouncing racism, interfaith intolerance, extremism and terrorism.

Nathaniel L. Goldstein

He was quoted in a statement issued by the office of New York Attorney General, that "the principles of hate, intolerance, bigotry and violence must be stamped out" as he transmitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation 1100 names of members of the Ku Klux Klan and the Hitler-resurgent German-American Bund.

Pearl S. Buck Birthplace

The Stulting family, Pearl Buck's maternal ancestors, moved from Utrecht, the Netherlands, in 1847 with 300 of their friends and relatives so that they might practice their religion freely during a time of religious intolerance in the Netherlands.

Salinity in Australia

Muehlenbeckia horrida subsp. abdita, commonly known as the Remote Thorny Lignum, is a critically endangered species due to its intolerance to salinity.

Sarbloh Warriors

Set during the 18th century, the game explores how the nascent Sikh community was suffering under Mughal imperial rule and religious intolerance, and how the Sikhs rebelled against the Mughal empire to secure a future for their faith.

Sardarji joke

On February 25, 2005, journalist Vir Sanghvi wrote a column in Hindustan Times, saying that the NCM was curbing free speech on behalf of the "forces of intolerance", while claiming to fight for minority rights.

Satan Presiding at the Infernal Council

The bold iconography and design of Martin's engravings were inspirations for scenes in D. W. Griffith's films Birth of a Nation and Intolerance, and for the design of the Galactic Senate in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.

The Legacy of Jihad

The Legacy of Jihad is a book by Andrew Bostom, a medical doctor who has written several other works discussing Islamic intolerance.

Traditions of Intolerance

Traditions of intolerance: Historical Perspectives on Fascism and Race Discourse in Britain is a book edited by Tony Kushner and Kenneth Lunn.

World Uyghur Congress

The World Uyghur Congress describes itself as a nonviolent and peaceful movement that opposes what it considers to be the Chinese occupation of East Turkestan, and it advocated for a rejection of totalitarianism, religious intolerance and terrorism as an instrument of policy.

see also