Swaranjit Singh Bajaj, the vice-president of SMCW, blamed the Sikh humorists such as Navjot Singh Sidhu and Khushwant Singh for perpetuating the stereotypical image of Sikhs.
On February 25, 2005, journalist Vir Sanghvi wrote a column in Hindustan Times, saying that the NCM was curbing free speech on behalf of the "forces of intolerance", while claiming to fight for minority rights.
In 2013, Atul Kumar was arrested in Jalandhar for texting offensive Santa-Banta jokes, under Section 295 (A) and IT Act.
Killing Joke | in-joke | Joke Silva | joke | The Joke (film) | The Joke | No Joke | Batman: The Killing Joke | April Fools' joke | Reagan's "We begin bombing in five minutes" joke | Killing Joke (1980 album) | Joke van Beusekom | I Started a Joke | Black Joke |