
unusual facts about Intoxication

Melinda's World

And she receives her first explorative attention from a teasing boy named Stuart Wasser (Zac Efron) Escalating tragedy, the death of her beloved Aunt Calla (Mary McKowen), is climaxed by her father's eruption into angry drunkenness, shattering Melinda's innocence forever and sending her fleeing into the night.

2000 BRIT Awards

Because of his advanced state of intoxication he believed them and walked on to the stage, eventually ending up next to a bemused Rolling Stones guitarist Ronnie Wood and actress Thora Birch, who were about to present the award for Best Soundtrack Album.

Air horn

Additionally, air horns (especially those that contain fluorocarbons) have the potential to be used as recreational drugs since many such refrigerants can be inhaled for a quick and dangerous intoxication.

Amotivational syndrome

It may be more parsimonious to regard the symptoms of impaired motivation as symptoms of chronic cannabis intoxication rather than inventing a new psychiatric syndrome.


David Nutt from the University of Bristol has suggested bretazenil as a possible base from which to make a better social drug, as it displays several of the positive effects of alcohol intoxication such as relaxation and sociability, but without the bad effects such as aggression, amnesia, nausea, loss of coordination, liver disease and brain damage.

Cesare Seassaro

As director of the Il Lavoratore from Trieste, he came in Fiume to give “organisational support” from the Communist Party of Italy in building the Communist Party of Fiume, where he died in his sleep of gas intoxication on November 15, 1921.

Cindy Duehring

As a result of this contamination or intoxication of an insecticide (against fleas) she eventually developed an Autoimmune disease.


The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) that is published by the American Psychiatric Association lists hyperacusis as one of the possible signs indicating phencyclidine (PCP or Angel-dust) intoxication.

Intoxication defense

In other eras of a more puritanical nature, intoxication has been stigmatized as a sign of human weakness, of immorality, or as a sin.

Intoxikazión Etílika

Intoxikazión Etílika (Ethylic Intoxication) is the debut demo of Basque crossover band Soziedad Alkoholika.

Lois Pereiro

Officially and in accordance with a sentence of the Provincial Audience of Lugo, after a lawsuit so that the State paid the burial, the reason of his death was intoxication by denatured rapeseed oil.

Marek Napiórkowski

In 2002 took part in the Anna Maria Jopek & Friends with Pat Metheny Intoxication (album) and two shows at the Congress Hall in Warsaw, with the winner of 15 Grammy Awards, guitarist Pat Metheny.

Mein Schiff 2

In the summer of 2006, just prior to the Mercury's planned departure for an Alaska cruise, Seattle-based inspectors from the U.S. Coast Guard arrested the captain of the Mercury for intoxication.

New Beer's Eve

The beer had to have an alcohol content less than 3.2% (4% ABV), compared to the 0.5% limit of the Volstead Act, because 3.2% was considered too low to produce intoxication.

Nina Bendigkeit

2007: intoxication – strictly limited edition MCD vocals and lyrics in "Breath Control", "Atomic", "True Faith"


The word "oom-pah-pah" is seemingly used euphemistically to refer to both intoxication and fornication; however, as the song points out, the word's meaning is only as dirty as the listener interprets it.

Powell v. Texas

Powell was no stranger to the court system; "appellant had been convicted of public intoxication approximately 100 times since 1949, primarily in Travis County, Texas" (though he had a few convictions in neighboring Bastrop County, Texas).

Ventricular tachycardia

In the 2006 film Casino Royale, the protagonist, James Bond, suffers ventricular tachycardia from intoxication of digitalis and goes into cardiac arrest.

see also