Invisible Strangler is a 1976 American horror film directed by John Florea, also known as The Astral Fiend (American alternative title), starring Robert Foxworth and Stefanie Powers.
He also did some film directing such as the paranormal thriller Invisible Strangler.
The Invisible Man | The Invisible | Invisible Man | The Invisible Man (2000 TV series) | The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevroniya | The Invisible (film) | invisible | Boston Strangler | The Invisible Circus (film) | Invisible Children | The Night Strangler | The Invisible Man Returns | The Invisible Man (1975 TV series) | The Invisible Circus | Invisible Waves | Invisible Empire // Crescent Moon | The Invisible Man (film) | The Invisible Man (1958 TV series) | The Invisible Life | Strangler fig | Invisible Records | Invisible Men | Invisible Hood | Invisible Cities | Invisible Agent | The Night Strangler (film) | The Invisible Man (2000 series) | The Invisible Man (1933 film) | The Invisible Invasion | The Invisible Host |