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Its panoramic views includes the hills to the northwest, the Ionian Islands including Zante, Kefalonia, Ithaca, the Echinades and the Peloponnese to the south including the Panachaiko, Movri and the Scollis mountains.
Temple was born in Santa Maura, one of the Ionian Islands, the son of Major Octavius Temple, who was subsequently appointed lieutenant-governor of Sierra Leone.
He later joined the 36th (Herefordshire) Regiment of Foot and served in the Ionian Islands, where he distinguished himself in Cephalonia during the time that Henry George Ward was Lord High Commissioner.
John Boker also accumulated large collections of Australian States, State of Buenos Aires, Confederate States of America, Fernando Po, Ionian Islands, Réunion, Romania, Serbia, and the Spanish Philippines.
On the peaks of Çika mountain there is a magnificent view of the northern Ionian Islands as well as the Italian coast of Puglia (Otranto).
The palace was built by Sir Frederick Adam, the British Lord High Commissioner of the Ionian Islands.
He married at Zakynthos, Greece, on 13 July 1841, Mary Elizabeth Parsons (Newburn, Fife, 21 June 1823 – Cramond House, Midlothian, 11 August 1902), daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel C. M. G. Parsons, who was British Resident on the island of Zante, at a time when the Ionian Islands were a British Protectorate.
Libertarian movements also occurred in the Ionian Islands, with the names of Mikelis Avlichos and Nikos Konemenos saved for us.
Then, under Lord North government on Ionian Islands, his talent was remarked and he was sent to study mathematics in Ecole polytechnique, under Biot, Cauchy, Poisson and Fourier.
Having explored numerous sites in Anatolia and Ionian Islands, they continued to Athens, where they purchased fragments of sculpture from the Parthenon: "We purchased two fine fragments of the frieze which we found inserted over the doorways in the town, and were presented with a beautiful trunk which had fallen from the metopes, and lay neglected in the garden of a Turk".
The project is a collaboration between The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), the Technological Educational Institute of Ionian Islands (TEI) and the Therianos Villas and Therianos Family Farm on Zakynthos.