Founded by Iqbal Quadir, of GrameenPhone fame, Emergence BioEnergy plans on using a specially designed Stirling engine, in order to create small 1 kW power stations to serve individual villages rather than relying on a traditional centralized power grid.
Speakers at the conference included the philosopher Charles Handy, Harvard professor Rakesh Khurana, daughter of the late C.K. Prahalad and author Deepa Prahalad, director and founder of the Legatum Centre at MIT Iqbal Quadir, Adrian Wooldridge of The Economist.
Quadir's vision of a large-scale commercial project led him to organize a global consortium involving Telenor, Norway’s leading telecommunications company; an affiliate of micro-credit pioneer Grameen Bank in Bangladesh (winner of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize); Marubeni Corp. in Japan; Asian Development Bank in the Philippines; Commonwealth Development Corp. in the United Kingdom; and International Finance Corp. and Gonofone in the United States.
He received a B.S. with honors from Swarthmore College (1981), an M.A. (1983) and an M.B.A. (1987) from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Quadir founded Emergence BioEnergy, Inc., as an effort to apply his development approach to electricity production in Bangladesh, where 70 percent of the population does not have access to the national electricity grid.
Iqbal Quadir, founder of Grameenphone in Bangladesh, is the Center's founder and director.
Muhammad Iqbal | Iqbal Theba | Javed Iqbal | Javaid Iqbal | Iqbal (film) | Muhammed Zafar Iqbal | Iqbal | Iqbal Quadir | Tamim Iqbal | Sufi Iqbal | Nazia Iqbal | Iqbal Khan (General) | Iqbal Khan | Imraz Iqbal | Ian Iqbal Rashid | Sameer Iqbal Patel | Rana Muhammad Iqbal Khan | Iqbal Town | Iqbal Siddiqui | Iqbal Mohamed | Iqbal Memorial Institute | Iqbal Kazmi | Iqbal Hussain Khan Bandanawazi | Iqbal Ahmad Khan |