
unusual facts about Irian Jaya

Hooded carpetshark

The hooded carpetshark, Hemiscyllium strahani, is a bamboo shark in the family Hemiscylliidae found around Irian Jaya and Papua New Guinea, between latitudes 5° S and 10° S, and longitude 144° E and 153° E.

Ornithoptera akakeae

The hybrid was known from a single male specimen, that was collected on a mountain near the Arfak Mountains of Irian Jaya on the 19th of September 1977 by I. Toeante.

Rokus Bernardus Visser

under the leadership of Lieutenant Visser, the school then moved to Jayapura (Hollandia) in Irian Jaya, who was named ' Dutch West Guinea ' by the Dutch, occupies a building that has been America's hospitals abandoned by troops Douglas MacArthur.

see also

Biak Scops Owl

The Biak Scops Owl (Otus beccarii) is an owl endemic to the twin islands of Biak-Supiori in Geelvink Bay, Papua (formerly Irian Jaya), Indonesia.

Tobias Schneebaum

In 1999, he revisited both Irian Jaya and Peru for a documentary film, also titled Keep the River on Your Right.