The aerial units based at Babo opposed the American landings at Biak, but suffered heavy losses.
The Biak Paradise Kingfisher (Tanysiptera riedelii) is a tree kingfisher endemic to the Indonesian island Biak.
The Biak Scops Owl (Otus beccarii) is an owl endemic to the twin islands of Biak-Supiori in Geelvink Bay, Papua (formerly Irian Jaya), Indonesia.
An Indonesian endemic, the Black-winged Lory is distributed to forests and coastal habitat of Biak, Numfor, Manim and Mios Num islands in Cenderawasih Bay, Papua.
Evan Sanders (born Stevanus Alexander; November 8, 1981 in Biak, Papua, Indonesia) is an actor and a singer.
In July 1998 the OPM raised their independence flag at the Kota Biak water tower on the island of Biak.
One of the largest amphibious military operations would have been Operation Jayawijaya in which thousands of marines were planned to land on Biak in 1963 as a part of the Trikora Campaign to take West Irian from Dutch control.
Kuzume Naoyuki was the commander of defenses on the island of Biak, near the Japanese-held bases in Papua New Guinea.
There are two subspecies, the nominate race, which occurs on Biak, and brevicauda, which is found on Numfor Island.
The squadron returned to operational status and departed for eventual service at Biak in April that year.
Senda was an officer in the IJN, and was stationed on the island of Biak, near New Guinea.
Biak | Biak Scrubfowl | Biak Gerygone |
Was deployed to Fifth Air Force in the Southwest Pacific in the fall of 1943 and flew reconnaissance missions over New Britain, New Guinea, and the Admiralty Islands from bases in New Guinea and Biak.
It moved to California in December 1941 and flew antisubmarine patrols off the west coast, then moved to the Southwest Pacific in the fall of 1943 and flew reconnaissance missions over New Britain, New Guinea, and the Admiralty Islands from bases in New Guinea and Biak.
The satellite's health is continuously monitored from the Spacecraft Control Centre at Bangalore with the help of ISTRAC network of stations at Bangalore, Lucknow, Mauritius, Bearslake in Russia, Biak in Indonesia and Svalbard in Norway.
Born in Biak he began English studies at Cenderawasih University (Abepura) in 1982 and worked as a coordinator and field researcher at the Rural Community Development Foundation (YPMD) in Abepura.
Before the capitulation of Japan NICA units already established civil administration in New Guinea (i.e. Hollandia, Biak and Manokwari, Numfur), the Moluccas (Morotai) and Borneo (Tarakan and Balikpapan).
Under some American pressure on the RAAF No 1 WU accompanied the American forces, going to Port Moresby in 1943, and Lae Nadzab Airport, Owi & Biak in 1944 (they were the only Australians on Biak).
The principal RAAF airfields in these areas were at Hollandia, Biak, Middleburg, Morotai, Labuan and Tarakan.
The constitution of the Republic of Biak-na-Bato was written by Felix Ferrer and Isabelo Artacho, who copied the Cuban Constitution of Jimaguayú nearly word-for-word.
Goura victoria victoria, the nominate race can be found on the islands of Yapen, Biak and Supiori.