To protect the Irrawaddy dolphins many fishermen on the Bang Pakong River have been persuaded by authorities to stop shrimp fishing in a certain area and 30 to 40 fishing boats have been modified so they can offer dolphin sightseeing tours.
It is located at a distance of 50 kilometers from Puri, Satapada on Chilika is home for Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris).
Irrawaddy River | dolphin | Eye of the Dolphin | Dolphin | Irrawaddy river | Amazon river dolphin | Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society | The Day of the Dolphin | HMS Dolphin | The Irrawaddy | Sopwith Dolphin | pink dolphin | Irrawaddy dolphin | Irrawaddy delta | HMS ''Dolphin'' | Ecco the Dolphin | Dolphin Tale | Dolphin Smalltalk | Dolphin Gas Project | Dolphin Flag | Chinese white dolphin | Zoom the White Dolphin | Year of the Dolphin | ''Oum le Dauphin Blanc'' (''Zoom the White Dolphin'') | John Dolphin | Irrawaddy Delta | (International) Year of the Dolphin | HMS Dolphin (shore establishment) | Hector's dolphin | Eye of the Dolphin (film) |