
unusual facts about Irreligion

Irreligion by country

Irreligion, which may include atheism, agnosticism, ignosticism, antireligion, skepticism, freethought, antitheism, apatheism, non-belief, secular humanism, and deism, varies in the different countries around the world.

Fadden, Australian Capital Territory

The most popular religious affiliations in descending order are Catholic, no religion, Anglican, Uniting, and Presbyterian and Reformed.

Justin Champion

His research and teaching interests include the history of early modern ideas, blasphemy and irreligion in early modern Europe, Thomas Hobbes, Biblical criticism, urban disease, the history of reading and scholarship, and the use of information technology in the study of history.

United States presidential election in Vermont, 1996

However Vermont had always favored a liberal, secular, Northeastern brand of Republicanism, and by the 1990s, the Republican Party had become increasingly dominated by conservative, Southern, and Evangelical Christian interests.

see also