
5 unusual facts about Isabelle Dinoire

Benoît Lengelé

On 26 November 2005, Benoît Lengelé performed, with Bernard Dechauvelle and Sylvie Testelin in Amiens, the first partial face allograft to repair the mutilated face of Isabelle Dinoire, a young woman severely bitten by her dog.

Isabelle Dinoire

The first partial face transplant surgery on a living human was performed on Dinoire on 27 November 2005 by Professor Bernard Devauchelle, assisted by Professor Jean-Michel Dubernard at the Centre hospitalier Universitaire Nord in Amiens, France.

Olivier Jardé, an orthopedic surgeon from Amiens and a member of the French National Assembly, said that both the donor and the recipient attempted suicide.

On 28 November 2006, Dinoire's surgeon, Bernard Devauchelle, said that over the past year Dinoire’s scars had become far less prominent.

Jean-Michel Dubernard

Dr. Dubernard is most famous for performing the first successful hand transplant on Clint Hallam on 23 September 1998, the first successful double hand transplant shortly thereafter (but not announced until 14 January 2004), and assisting Prof. Bernard Devauchelle perform the first partial face transplant on Isabelle Dinoire on 27 November 2005.

Oral and maxillofacial surgery

Bernard Devauchelle a French oral and maxillofacial surgeon at Amiens University Hospital who in November 2005 successfully completed the first face transplant on Isabelle Dinoire.

see also