The young Dobos was greatly influenced by the sounds and musical worlds created by electronic music pioneers like Jean Michel Jarre, Mike Oldfield, Vangelis, Rick Wakeman and the visual nature of Isao Tomita's Pictures at an Exhibition.
Tamlyn Tomita | Isao Tomita | Isao Aoki | Yann Tomita | Tomita–Takesaki theory | Isao Sasaki | Tsutomu Tomita | Masaru Tomita | Isao Takagi | Isao Okawa | Isao Harimoto |
# Tomita - The Firebird - Infernal Dance of King Kastchei (Clean Version) - SonyBMG 0:13
The show's theme music from its debut in 1976 until October 2011 was Isao Tomita's electronic rendition of Claude Debussy's Arabesque No. 1, from Tomita's album Snowflakes Are Dancing.