
unusual facts about Islamists


Aous Shakra

In 1985, Shakra declared his Atheism, a comment which angered Arab Islamists and lead to death threats and continuous harassment.

Assyrians in the United Kingdom

Following the Invasion of Iraq in 2003, more Assyrians fled to the UK in the face of increased religious and ethnic persecution from Arab Islamists and Kurdish Nationalists, including bombing of churches, random killings, violent harassment and kidnappings.

Battle of Konna

The French chief of army staff, Admiral Guillaud, announced that the Islamists had withdrawn from Konna and retreated several dozen kilometres to the north.

Battle of Tigharghar

In the afternoon of 12 March, 2013, during "clean-up" operations in the Ifoghas mountains, an armed confrontation took place between a group of Chadian soldiers and jihadists that resulted in the deaths of one soldier and six Islamists fighters.

Battle of Zinjibar

Some opposition figures and activists charged that President Saleh allowed the capture of Zinjibar by the supposed Islamists to support his claims that the country would not be able to survive without him.

Zinjibar and the area of Jaʿār to the north also remained under control of local Islamists.

Hassan Kettani

He was imprisoned for alleged connections to the 2003 Casablanca bombings, Kettani was pardoned vy Mohammed VI eight years later after efforts by his lawyer, human rights groups and Islamists success in Morocco's parliament.

Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan

In 1992, the party hosted a conference in Saratov, Russia, attended by Islamists from ex-Soviet central Asia, Tatarstan and Bashkortostan.

Kagnew Station

The prison was said to hold Eritrean People's Liberation Front veterans, conscripts, alleged armed Islamists, and people accused or forging identity documents or smuggling army deserters out of the country.

Kashmir Khan

In 2002 the Hezb-e Islami is reported to have split, with the hard-line Islamists, including Kashmir Khan, remaining with the party's leader, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.

Mohamed Jemil Ould Mansour

He was elected Mayor of Arafat in 2001 although he was arrested in 2003 alongside dozens of other Mauritanian Islamists on charges of plotting to overthrow the Mauritanian government.

Mohammed Khalid

In October 2003, when it was announced that Lebanese singer, Nancy Ajram, was to perform in Bahrain, Mr Khalid along with other Islamists in parliament put forward an emergency motion to ban her concert on the grounds of ‘immorality’.

Organisation of Young Free Algerians

"One can say that the real chief of the OJAL was General Mohamed Lamari, since he was the boss of the CC/ALAS, from which depended the paratroopers-commandos and the DRS elements responsibles of these crimes. Colonel Benabdallah indicated to me that if Islamists had committed numerous assassinations of political personalities, the Army had also engaged in this itself: it "struck back against all journalists, scientists or officials who gave support to the Fundamentalist cause.

Syrian Democratic People's Party

The party then engaged in active opposition to the regime, and in 1979 participated in the creation of the National Democratic Rally (NDG), with four other leftist and nationalist opposition parties; it also, while itself renouncing violence, advocated dialogue with the Muslim Brotherhood and other Sunni Islamists, who were then engaged in an armed uprising against the government.

see also