
2 unusual facts about Isleworth

Jacques Van Offelen

Jacques Louis Gustave Van Offelen (Isleworth, 18 October 1916 - Ukkel, 22 February 2006) was a Belgian liberal politician, burgomaster and minister for the PVV.

Roland Michel Tremblay

He lived in Los Angeles during 2005 and 2006, but then returned to live in Isleworth, just outside London.

Duke of Northumberland's River

The eastern section diverts water from the River Crane, London in Kneller Gardens Whitton, north-eastwards past The Stoop and Twickenham Stadium, through Isleworth, originally to the Mill then onwards to supply the ornamental ponds in the Duke of Northumberland's estate at Syon Park.

Isleworth Ait

Isleworth Ait was once a centre for the production of osier - a willow which used to be harvested on the island to weave baskets to carry fruit and vegetables grown in Middlesex to the markets in London.

see also