Like the Phoenicians, the Greeks and the Romans, the ancient Israelites were far more drawn to wine than they were to beer.
There is another tradition, to the effect that Daniel was king of the Israelites after their return from captivity.
According to the well-known story in the biblical book of Joshua, Jericho was the first Canaanite city to fall to the Israelites as they began their conquest of the Promised Land - an event which the Bible's internal chronology places at around 1406 BC.
Immediately preceding these verses, he had commissioned them to evangelize the Israelites with his authority.
Federal Zionism may also call for the granting of certain jurisdictional powers of autonomy to regions within the State of Israel's Jewish majority areas, akin to the pseudo-federal structure of the Twelve Tribes of the ancient Israelites.
In the discourse Jesus advises them how to travel from city to city, carry no belongings and to preach only to Israelite communities.
the ancient Israelites, considered as a subgroup, ancestors of or identical with the Hebrews
His teaching and research interests laid in comparative studies involving Mesopotamian and Israelite religion, Old Testament prophecy, Semitic languages, and Hebrew lexicography.
The Little Commission is specifically to the Israelites while the Great Commission is to all nationalities.
In Jesus' time neighbour was interpreted to mean fellow Israelites, and to exclude all others.
The aims of the collection included reconstruction of the life of the Israelites in Egypt, as in the Book of Exodus.
The tall white candle in many ways signifies the Divine pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night that lead the Israelites in their Exodus from slavery in Egypt.
According to a diary entry of the court physician to the Iranian Shah Nasser al-Din Shah Qajar, the King told the physician that the stone once adorned the neck of the biblical golden calf, which the Israelites are said to have made while Moses was receiving the Ten Commandments.
The ancient Hebrew nation (the Israelites) is one of the better-known examples, with biblical tradition denoting 12 tribes originating from one common ancestor (Jacob).
The name may derive from settlers seeing a similarity between their wagon trains and the ancient Israelites, or from the similarity of the Egyptian pyramids and the Mississippian mounds in the area.
Yibir clan members are popularly held to be descendants of Jewish Hebrew forbears.
The Lord reveals to Jeremiah that Jerusalem will be destroyed because of the impiety of the Israelites.
Ammi and his followers draw on a long tradition in black American culture (see Black Hebrew Israelites) which holds that black Americans are the descendants of the Ancient Israelites (Ammi cites Charles Harrison Mason of Mississippi, William Saunders Crowdy of Virginia, Bishop William Boome of Tennessee, Charles Price Jones of Mississippi and Elder Saint Samuel of Tennessee as early exponents of black descent from Israelites).
Barak, biblical general who commanded the army of Deborah and delivered the Israelites from the yoke of Jabin
Gideon, who led the Israelites to cause a similar friendly-fire incident in the Midianites camp, according to the Book of Judges
According to the Bible, the Battle of Michmash was fought between Israelites under Jonathan, son of King Saul and a force of Phillistines at Michmash, a town east of Bethel and south of Migron.
Ben Ammi Ben-Israel or Ben Carter (born 1939), American founder and spiritual leader of the African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem
There are also some replicas of the ancient Jewish Temple, including models of Solomon's Temple and Herod's Temple, as well as a 19th-century model of the Tabernacle, a reconstruction of the sacred shrine housing the Ark of the Covenant described in the Hebrew Bible, which the Israelites carried with them during their exile in the desert under the leadership of Moses.
Numbers begins at Mount Sinai, where the Israelites have received their laws and covenant from God and God has taken up residence among them in the sanctuary.
According to Exodus 13:18-20 the locality from which the Israelites journeyed after departing Egypt was Sukkot.
He also writes that after spending forty years in the desert, the Israelites continued to eat the manna until they brought the Omer offering on the second day of Passover.
Fleury's "Manners of the Christians" (1786) and "Manners of the Israelites" (1786);
According to the Book of Joshua, the flow of the water was arrested, and rose up "upon an heap" at the time of the Israelites' passing over.
After the Exodus, he leads the Israelites in their worship of the golden calf, and is one of those swallowed up in the crevice that opens up when Moses (Charlton Heston) smashes the tablets of the Ten Commandments in a rage, after discovering the Israelites' idolatry.
The Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs israélites de France (EEIF, Jewish Guides and Scouts of France) is a Jewish Scouting and Guiding organization in France.
The Israelites mourn the death of Joseph, Israelite and favoured adviser to Pharaoh, King of Egypt.
The root of both "mannose" and "mannitol" is manna, which the Bible records as the food supplied to the Israelites during their journey in the region of Sinai.
This verse is often considered to be a reference to Deuteronomy 32:49, where God instructs Moses to climb Mount Nebo and shows him Jericho and Canaan and promises them to the Israelites.
The origins of the names are unclear, as both may be either Spanish words (rama for "branch" and mara for "sea") or Biblical references (rama for Ramah, the biblical town of Benjamin in ancient Israel, and mara for Marah, named in the biblical Book of Exodus as the place where Moses sweetened the bitter waters for the Israelites.
Patai's work was wide-ranging but focused primarily on the cultural development of the ancient Hebrews and Israelites, on Jewish history and culture, and on the anthropology of the Middle East generally.
"The Anglo-Israelites" in Kooks: A Guide to the Outer Limits of Human Belief, Los Angeles: Feral House, 2001 (2nd ed. exp. from 1994).
The students, along with African American students, recorded "Avadim Hayinu," which blends Hebrew lyrics describing the Israelites' journey from slavery to freedom with the lyrics to "We Shall Overcome."
The Egyptians attempted to gain a foothold in the Near East (then controlled by the Assyrian Empire) by entering the region and stirring up Assyria's vassal Israelite, Judaean, Philistine, Canaanite and Samaritan subjects against Assyria, but were defeated and driven out by Shalmaneser V.
Turner describes the seventh plague of Egypt that God cursed upon the Egyptians for punishment of not releasing the Israelites from slavery, as described in the Old Testament Book of Exodus, 9:13–35.
He wrote important works on the ancient kingdoms of Asia Minor–Trois royaumes de l'Asie Mineure, Cappadoce, Bithynie, Pont (1888), Mithridate Eupator (1890); also a critical edition and translation with H Weil of Plutarch's Treatise on Music; and an Histoire des Israélites depuis la ruine de leur indépendance nationale jusqu'à nos jours (2nd ed., 1901).
Timbrel or tabret (the tof of the ancient Hebrews, the deff of Islam, the adufe of the Moors of Spain), the principal musical instrument of percussion of the Israelites, similar to the modern tambourine.
Who Were the Early Israelites and Where Did They Come From? is a book by American biblical scholar and archaeologist William G. Dever.