
unusual facts about Ivan Gundulić

House of Sorkočević

Among other books he published "Mémoire sur la langue et les moeurs des peuples slaves", "Fragments sur l'histoire et la littérature de la République de Raguse et sur la langue slave", translated Ivan Gundulić'es Osman (Osman, poéme illyrien en vingt chants) in 1838.

Tin Ujević

Having absorbed virtually all of the Western poetic tradition (from Dante and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe to Charles Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Whitman and Ezra Pound) and all the Croatian greats, including (Marko Marulić and Ivan Gundulić), Ujević created a protean poetic oeuvre of inimitable flavor and inescapable grandeur.

see also