
unusual facts about Rimbaud

A Season in Hell

According to biographer, Graham Robb, this began "as an attempt to explain why some of his Rimbaud's poems are so hard to understand, especially when sober".

Rimbaud began writing the poem in April 1873 during a visit to his family's farm in Roche, near Charleville on the French-Belgian border.

Frédéric Rimbaud

In October 1852, Rimbaud, then 38, was transferred to Mézières when he met his future wife then 27, Marie Catherine Vitalie Cuif (10 March 1825-16 November 1907), while on a Sunday stroll.

Frédéric Rimbaud, born 7 October 1814 in Dole, and died 16 November 1878 in Dijon, was a French infantry officer.

Generación decapitada

They all read this poetry in the original language, by authors including Baudelaire, Hugo, Rimbaud, and Verlaine.

Girlfriend in a Kimono

With most roles played by first-time actors it also features Penny Rimbaud (of Crass) as the enigmatic Rimbaud and Shizuka Hata (of Banzai) in two roles.

Jean-Louis Forain

He was one of only "seven known recipients" to receive a first edition of A Season in Hell directly from Rimbaud.

Le Bateau ivre

Rimbaud, then aged 16, wrote the poem in the summer of 1871 at his childhood home in Charleville in Northern France.

Medardo Ángel Silva

They all read this poetry in the original language, by authors including BaudelaireHugoRimbaud, and Verlaine.

Miloslav Topinka

The book is about such people and events as Nerval, Rimbaud, Buhl; and Hiroshima.

After his return to Czechoslovakia he worked among other professions as a translator and editor of authors such as Rimbaud, Gilbert-Lecomte, Věra Linhartová, Kolář, Petr Kabeš etc.

Peter Gizzi

Working overnight at the treatment center, Gizzi read George Oppen's Collected Poems, along with H.D., Wallace Stevens, William Carlos Williams, Federico García Lorca, Baudelaire, Rimbaud "and almost anything published by Burning Deck."

Steven Gerber

During his years as a graduate student, he wrote serial and non-twelve-tone works, such as the a cappella choral works "Dylan Thomas Settings" and "Illuminations" (Rimbaud), and throughout the remainder of the 1970s most of his works were twelve-tone.

The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even

Marjorie Perloff interprets the painting as "enigmatic" (34) in her book "The Poetics of Indeterminacy: Rimbaud to Cage" (Princeton UP: 1999).

There Is No Authority But Yourself

As well as reflecting on the band's past the film focusses on their current activities, and includes footage of Rimbaud performing with Last Amendment at the Vortex jazz club in Hackney, a compost toilet building workshop and a permaculture course held at Dial House in the spring of 2006.

Tin Ujević

Having absorbed virtually all of the Western poetic tradition (from Dante and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe to Charles Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Whitman and Ezra Pound) and all the Croatian greats, including (Marko Marulić and Ivan Gundulić), Ujević created a protean poetic oeuvre of inimitable flavor and inescapable grandeur.

Wall poems in Leiden

and in 2012 the Tegen-Beeld foundation collaborated with the International Society of Friends of Rimbaud to paint a poem by Arthur Rimbaud, "Le Bateau ivre", on a government building in the 6th arrondissement of Paris.

see also