
4 unusual facts about Ixtlilxochitl

Cornelius de Pauw

He also showed how to count up to forty-eight million in Nahuatl, listed a number of Nahuatl words for metaphysical and moral concepts, pointed out that the Gospels and Thomas a Kempis's The Imitation of Christ had been translated into Nahuatl, acknowledged his debt to Indian writers such as Ixtlilxochitl, and catalogued authors both European and American born who had written in American languages ranging from Tarahumara to Cakchiquel.


Ixtlilxochitl II, placed on the throne of Texcoco by Hernan Cortés in 1520, and a great-grandson of Ixtlilxochitl I.

Ixtlilxochitl I, tlatoani (ruler) of the central Mexican city-state of Texcoco from 1409 to 1418.

Fernando de Alva Cortés Ixtlilxochitl (1568? 1578? - c. 1650), an indigenous Mexican nobleman, historian and author, descendant of Ixtlilxochitl I and Ixtlilxochitl II.

see also