A lot of the buildings, in the nearby village of Ytterjärna, are designed by the Danish-born anthroposophical architect Erik Asmussen (1913–1998), including the Cultural Centre in Ytterjärna, which in 2001 was voted the second best-liked modern building in Sweden.
Södermanland Runic Inscription 351 or Sö 351 is the Rundata catalog number of a Viking Age memorial runestone located in Överjärna, which is part of Järna, Stockholm County, Sweden, which was part of the historic province of Södermanland.
Södermanland Runic Inscription 352 or Sö 352 is a Viking Age memorial runestone located at Linga, which is about two kilometers south of Järna, Stockholm County, Sweden, which was in the historic province of Södermanland.
Gudmund Nils Larsson (1892-1949 CE) was a Swedish bagpipe players from Dala-Järna, western Dalarna, and the last of the traditional Dalarna bagpipe players.