
4 unusual facts about JISC

Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf

In 2010, 20,000 of these images were digitised and made available online via the SOAS Digital Library as part of a Jisc-funded project.


Jisc, formerly known as Joint Information Systems Committee, the UK body concerned with information and communications technology in education


AccessApps – collection of portable open source software released by JISC RSC Scotland North&south

Mike Batty

At Cardiff, he was a Member of the Computer Board for British Universities and Research Councils, now JISC (1988–1990), a Member of the SERC (Science and Engineering Research Council) Transport Committee (1982–1985), Chair (1980–1982), then Vice-Chair (1982–1984) of the ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) Environment and Planning Committee, and Chair of the Conference of Heads Of Planning Schools (CHOPS) 1986-1980.


Jisc | JISC |

JISC Collections

In 2002, following a report on JISC governance by Sir Brian Follett, JISC was restructured and the work of the DNER was split between a range of development activities known as the Information Environment, and JISC Collections.

Library publishing

In 2011 in the UK, Jisc funded three library publishing projects: Huddersfield Open Access Publishing (HOAP) at the University of Huddersfield, SAS Open Journals at the University of London, and EPICURE at UCL.

see also