
unusual facts about JVM


Data parallelism

Similar to the previous example, Data Parallelism is also possible using the Java Virtual Machine JVM (using Ateji PX, an extension of Java).

Java Virtual Machine Tools Interface

A library, written in C or C++, is loaded during the initialization of the JVM.


JCSP is essentially a pure-Java API (although a research alternative exists that uses the C-CSP extension to the JVM).

Scripting for the Java Platform

There is no requirement for a given JVM to include any engines by default, but the Oracle JVM (Java 6 and later) includes a JavaScript engine based on Rhino JavaScript for Java version 1.6R2.

Tullus SG

Utagning to the JVM, two tullus skater with the squad they were Henrik Forsberg and Christoffer Eriksson.

Typesafe Inc.

It provides an Open source platform for building Reactive applications for the JVM, consisting of the Play Framework, Akka middleware and Scala programming language—with additional supporting products and development tools such as the Scala IDE for Eclipse.

see also