Hoogendyk was first elected to the Michigan House of Representatives in 2002 representing the 61st district, which includes the cities of Portage and Parchment, and the townships of Alamo, Kalamazoo, Oshtemo, Prairie Ronde and Texas.
In 2006 Hoogendyk was one of a small group of conservatives to lead the fight against legislation to mandate that the state Department of Education administer to all sixth grade girls the vaccine Gardasil as a potential prevention against the risk of Human papillomavirus.
Senator Carl Levin and State Representative Jack Hoogendyk met again, the following day (October 20), for a forum hosted by the Detroit Economic Club.
On November 19 WGVU Public television hosted a Senatorial debate to which only Democratic Senator Carl Levin and Republican State Representative Jack Hoogendyk were invited.
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