His father, David Aronson, is one of a major group of Boston painters known as the Boston Expressionists which includes Jack Levine, Hyman Bloom, and Karl Zerbe.
Following the death of his wife in the 1980s came an increased interest in Hebraism, and with it a proliferation of paintings with themes from the Old Testament.
Born of Lithuanian Jewish parents, Levine grew up in the South End of Boston, where he observed a street life composed of European immigrants and a prevalence of poverty and societal ills, subjects which would inform his work.
In 1973 the Vatican purchased Cain and Abel (1961), to the satisfaction of Pope Paul VI.
Graham was born in New York City, where he attended the School of Industrial Art (now The High School of Art & Design) and later, studied under Artist Jack Levine.
A similarity can be noted between Wood's dramatically effective Shock renderings and the caricatures of corruption in the acclaimed fine art of Jack Levine.
Jack Kerouac | Jack Nicholson | Jack Nicklaus | Jack the Ripper | Jack London | Jack Kemp | Jack Kirby | Jack Lemmon | Jack Black | Jack Abramoff | Jack Dempsey | Jack Benny | Jack White | Wolfman Jack | Union Jack | Jack White (musician) | Jack and the Beanstalk | James Levine | Jack Johnson | Jack Charlton | Jack Palance | Jack Daniel's | Jack | Jack Paar | Jack Layton | Jack Straw | Jack Vance | Jack Bruce | Jack Warden | Jack's Mannequin |
At the age of fifteen, Bloom and Jack Levine, another Jewish painter from Boston, received scholarships in the fine arts by the famous Harvard art professor Denman Ross (1853–1935).