The mod smooth colored concrete animals and geometric slides were donated to Miami-Dade County and can be seen in Dante Fascell Park in South Miami and at the Miami-Dade County children's day care center play yard to the east of Jackson Memorial Hospital.
On 29 May 2011 the singer Sean Kingston was taken to the Jackson Memorial Hospital after being involved in a Jet Ski accident with a female passenger.
Mrs. Meek has served as a Board Member of the Jackson Memorial Hospital Foundation, one of the largest public hospitals in the country.
His wife, M. Judith Donovan Post M.D., graduated from the University of Kentucky College of Medicine, and is a prominent Neuroradiologist at Jackson Memorial Hospital and Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine.
Dana was transported to Jackson Memorial Hospital, where he died due to complications from his injuries sustained in the crash.
Michael Jackson | General Hospital | Andrew Jackson | Peter Jackson | hospital | Janet Jackson | Massachusetts General Hospital | Jackson | Jackson Pollock | Jackson, Mississippi | Memorial Day | Samuel L. Jackson | Port Jackson | John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation | Jackson Browne | Stonewall Jackson | memorial | Jesse Jackson | Guy's Hospital | Alan Jackson | St Bartholomew's Hospital | Lincoln Memorial | Johns Hopkins Hospital | Memorial Stadium | The Jackson 5 | St. Jude Children's Research Hospital | Glenda Jackson | Reggie Jackson | Australian War Memorial | Memorial University of Newfoundland |
While at Ryder, he oversaw donations for the construction of the Ryder Trauma Center at Jackson Memorial Hospital and the Ryder Center Arena (now the BankUnited Center) at the University of Miami, and he coordinated Ryder’s sponsorship of the Doral Ryder Open for 16 years.