Charles Taylor alongside Charles Allotey, Amankwaah Mireku, Joseph Ansah, Jacob Nettey, Stephen Tetteh, Ishmael Addo, Emmanuel Osei Kuffour, Sammy Adjei, Edmund Copson, and Emmanuel Adjogu were deemed as the best squad ever to be assembled by Accra Hearts of oak.
Jacob | John Jacob Astor | Jacob M. Appel | Jacob Epstein | Jacob Zuma | Jacob Obrecht | Jacob Lawrence | Jacob Appel | John Jacob Astor IV | Irène Jacob | Jacob Jordaens | Paul Jacob | Meshullam ben Jacob | Jacob Riis | Jacob Grimm | Jacob Christian Schäffer | Jacob Appelbaum | Jacob Truedson Demitz | Jacob ter Veldhuis | Jacob's Ladder | Jacob's biscuits | Jacob's Award | Jacob Rothschild | Jacob L. Devers | Jacob Latimore | Jacob Kirkegaard | Jacob Kielland | Jacob J. Shubert | Jacob Hackenburg Griffiths-Randolph | Jacob Bronowski |