
unusual facts about Meshullam ben Jacob

Judah ben Saul ibn Tibbon

Judah lived on terms of intimacy with Meshullam ben Jacob and with Meshullam's two sons, Asher and Aaron, whom in his will he recommends as friends to his only son, Samuel.

Abraham ben Isaac of Narbonne

Other responsa sent to Joseph ben Ḥen (Graziano) of Barcelona and Meshullam ben Jacob of Lunel are found in a manuscript belonging to Baron de Günzburg in Saint Petersburg.

Asceticism in Judaism

Of Asher, the son of Meshullam ben Jacob in Lunel, Benjamin of Tudela (Travels, ed. Asher, 3b) relates as eye-witness that he was an ascetic ("parush") who did not attend to any worldly business, but studied day and night, kept fasts, and never ate meat.

Jonathan ben David ha-Cohen

He was also known as Jonathan of Lunel, and was one of several Jewish scholars associated with the town, including Meshullam ben Jacob of Lunel, Rabbi Abraham ben David (the "RABaD") who taught in Lunel before moving to Posquières, and Asher ben Meshullam of Lunel, the author of several rabbinical works.


Other scholars include Jonathan of Lunel, Meshullam ben Jacob of Lunel, Abraham ben David who taught in Lunel before moving to Posquières, and Asher ben Meshullam of Lunel.

see also