Jacobsen v. Katzer—CAFC 1001–2008 ruling states that legal copyrights can have $0 value – supports all licenses (commercial and open-source).
In the court case "Jacobsen v. Katzer", the plaintiff sued the defendant for failing to put the required attribution notices in his modified version of the software, thereby violating license.
Arne Jacobsen | Barbro-Lill Hætta-Jacobsen | Peter Jacobsen | Jens Peter Jacobsen | Casey Jacobsen | Robert Jacobsen | Joseph Jacobsen | J. C. Jacobsen | Jacobsen v. Katzer | Erik Jacobsen | Carl Jacobsen | Annie Jacobsen | Wayne Jacobsen | Thorkild Jacobsen | Thomas Owen Jacobsen | Steinbjørn B. Jacobsen | O'Love Jacobsen | Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen | Mette Jacobsen | Jannicke Systad Jacobsen | Bjørn Jacobsen |