
unusual facts about Jacques Mieses


Jacques Mieses (1865–1954), German-born English chess Grandmaster and writer

Carl August Walbrodt

In 1896, he took 2nd behind von Bardeleben and ahead of Jacques Mieses in Berlin (Triangular), tied for 7–8th in Nuremberg (Emanuel Lasker won), and tied for 6–7th in Budapest (Rudolf Charousek and Mikhail Chigorin tied for first).

Danish Gambit

The Danish Gambit was popular with masters of the attack including Alekhine, Marshall, Blackburne, and Mieses, but as more defensive lines for Black were discovered and improved, it lost favor in the 1920s.

Scandinavian Defense

Although the Center Counter Defense has never enjoyed widespread popularity among top-flight chess players, Joseph Henry Blackburne and Jacques Mieses often played it, and greatly developed its theory in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

see also