
4 unusual facts about Jacques Delors

Arthur Cockfield, Baron Cockfield

Lord Cockfield resigned from the cabinet in September 1984 to join the European Commission as commissioner for Internal Market, Tax Law and Customs under Jacques Delors, and a Vice-President of the first Delors Commission.

Grigoris Varfis

Finally, he was until 1989 EU Commissioner for relations with the EU Parliament for Regional Policies (1985) and for Consumer Protection (1986 to 1989) in the first Commission of Jacques Delors.

Hugh Logue

Following the 1994 IRA ceasefire, Logue with two EU colleagues was asked by EU President Jacques Delors to consult widely throughout Northern Ireland and the Border regions and prepare recommendations for a Peace and Reconciliation Fund to underpin the peace process.

International Convention Centre, Birmingham

The foundation stone was laid by Jacques Delors as a start of another 4 years and 5 months of construction.

Élisabeth Guigou

After attending Sciences Po Aix and ENA, France's elite graduate school of public affairs, she worked on Jacques Delors' staff in 1982 before being hired by Hubert Védrine in François Mitterrand's.

Jacques Cheminade

In 1983, Cheminade published a statement on the danger of "new fascism" posed by an alleged plot against French president François Mitterrand by some of his socialist ministers, including Jacques Delors and Michel Rocard.

see also