In foreign policy, Kosor and her Slovenian counterpart Borut Pahor were successful in solving the long-standing border dispute and she is credited with successfully finishing the negotiating process of the Croatian accession to the European Union.
Jadranka Kosor signed an agreement with Borut Pahor, the premier of Slovenia, in November 2009, that ended Slovenia's blockade of Croatia's EU accession and allowed Croatian EU entry negotiations to proceed.
The Constitutional Court ultimately declared the referendum issue moot, but ordered the government not to subject any changes to the labor law in the following year.
In 2010, he called Jadranka Kosor, at the time the Prime minister of Croatia, pretending to be Janez Janša and talked to her while impersonating him.
Besides the incumbent party leader and former Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor, four other candidates were running: Milan Kujundžić, former Minister of Health Darko Milinović, former Minister of the Interior Tomislav Karamarko and former Deputy Prime Minister Domagoj Ivan Milošević.