In 2009, Jai Akash filed a complaint to the Nadigar Sangam against actress Sunaina following allegations from her which claimed that she was not a part of the intimate scenes in the film, Madan and that Jai Akash as director had used a double.
Jai Singh I | Jai Paul | Jai Ho | Jai Santoshi Maa | Jai McDowall | Jai Johanny Johanson | Jai Ho (film) | Jai alai | Jai Singh | Jai Lewis | Jai Ho (song) | Jai ho (disambiguation) | Jai ho | Jai Boo | Jai Bolo Telangana (2011 film) | Jai Bolo Telangana | Jai Bhagwan | Jai Arjun Singh | Jai Al-Attas | Akash Bhairav |