
unusual facts about Jainism and non-creationism

Jainism and non-creationism

As Paul Dundas puts it – “while Jainism is, as we have seen, atheist in a limited sense of rejection of both the existence of a creator God and the possibility of intervention of such a being in human affairs, it nonetheless must be regarded as a theist religion in the more profound sense that it accepts the existence of divine principle, the paramātmā i.e. God, existing in potential state within all beings”.

Ben Nevers

Some forty Nobel Prize-winning scientists endorsed the repeal of the measure on the premise that the law allows teachers to offer creationism views in classrooms.

Center for Science and Culture

Barbara Forrest, author of Creationism's Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent Design and Glenn Branch say that the CSC uses academic credentials and affiliations opportunistically.

In 2004 Barbara Forrest and Paul R. Gross published Creationism's Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent Design documenting the history of the intelligent design movement and the DI's Center for Science and Culture as well as critiquing the ID "research"(Oxford University Press).

Chapel Christian Academy

The Academy was based on the Bible being the inerrant word of God; creationism was the basis of all scientific teaching at the school.

Christine Comer

In mid 2008, Comer filed a suit in federal court in Austin, Texas, that stated that the policy she was terminated for contravening (which required employees to be neutral on the subject of creationism) was unconstitutional, as the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that teaching creationism as science in public schools is illegal.

Edgar Andrews

Edgar Andrews is described by historian of creationism Ronald Numbers as the United Kingdom's "most respected creationist scientist of the late twentieth century", a Reformed Baptist, and a convert to Whitcomb and Morris' flood geology since the 1960s.

Eduardo Anguita

A member of the Generation of 38, Eduardo Anguita started his literary career during a period marked by Surrealism and Creationism, a movement headed by Vicente Huidobro, to whom he became a close friend.

Edwards v. Aguillard

Modern American creationism arose out of the theological split over modernist higher criticism and its rejection by the Fundamentalist Christian movement which promoted Biblical literalism and, post 1920, took up the anti-evolution cause led by William Jennings Bryan.

Gap creationism

Gap creationism (also known as ruin-restoration creationism, restoration creationism, or "The Gap Theory") is a form of old Earth creationism that posits that the six-day creation, as described in the Book of Genesis, involved literal 24-hour days, but that there was a gap of time between two distinct creations in the first and the second verses of Genesis, explaining many scientific observations, including the age of the Earth.

History of pseudoscience

Judge John E. Jones III ruled that Intelligent Design is inseparable from Creationism, and its teaching in public schools violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

Homer Jacobson

In 2007, he retracted two passages of this work after realizing that errors in his paper were being misread as evidence for creationism.

Intelligent design and science

Robert T. Pennock Tower of Babel: The Evidence Against the New Creationism.

Ivar Giaever

He has co-signed a letter from over 70 Nobel laureate scientists to the Louisiana Legislature supporting the repeal of Louisiana’s creationism law, the Louisiana Science Education Act.

Lancaster County Christian School

Lancaster County Christian School's faith-based curriculum includes the inerrancy of the Bible, the triune nature of God, creationism, the divinity and virgin birth of Jesus Christ, a sola fide soteriology, and the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Paul R. Gross

He has written widely on biology, evolution and creationism, and the intellectual conflicts of the so-called Science wars—for example, his book Creationism's Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent Design (2004), written with Barbara Forrest.

Peter J. Bowler

He has made appearances on local radio, including interviews with William Crawley on BBC Radio Ulster shows TalkBack and Sunday Sequence - here he defended evolution and highlighted the non-scientific nature of creationism.

Progressive Adventism

They also tend to question some of the denomination's 28 fundamental beliefs: with debate arising on the nature of the Trinity, perpetuity of the Law of God, the Nature of Christ, the Gift of Prophecy, Creation or observance of the seventh-day Sabbath.

Raymond Finney

In February 2007, Finney filed a state senate resolution which asked the Tennessee Department of Education to address a number of creationist points.

Robert Schadewald

He attended at least a dozen national creationism conferences, interviewed Immanuel Velikovsky, investigated perpetual motion machines, and got thrown out of the International Flat Earth Research Society for his "spherical" tendencies.

It consisted of about a thousand volumes advocating various unorthodox ideas: hollow-earth, geocentricity, creationism, Velikovskyism, perpetual motion, racism, anti-semitism, anti-Catholicism, Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster, flying saucers, bizarre religions, and so forth, as well as the worlds most extensive collection of 19th and 20th century flat-earth literature.

Ronald Numbers

Former Archbishop of York John Habgood described it, in an article in The Times, as a "massively well-documented history" that "must surely be the definitive study of the rise and growth of" creationism.

St Marychurch

Notable former residents include 19th century zoologist and creationist Philip Henry Gosse, who lived at Sandhurst on Torquay Road (now called St Marychurch Road).

Steven Engler

His research focuses on science and religion, including creationism and ayurveda, and, more recently, on Brazilian religions such as Kardecism and Umbanda, which he analyzes in light of theoretical concepts such as agency, deference, indexicality, hybridity and virtuality.

The Creationists

It first describes early opposition during Darwin's lifetime, then George Frederick Wright's conversion from Christian Darwinist to Fundamentalist opponent and how creationism influenced the Fundamentalist-Modernist Controversy and the rise of prominent populist creationists such as William Jennings Bryan.

Thomas F. Torrance

This integration of doctrine began for Torrance with the Nicene homoousion (the fact that the eternal Son was and is one in being with the Father and Spirit in eternity and with us by virtue of the incarnation), and included the doctrines of the Trinity, Creation, Incarnation, Atonement, Eschatology, Pneumatology, the Church and the Sacraments as well as a theology of ordained Ministry.

Why People Believe Weird Things

He closes retelling how a constitutional ban on teaching creationism in public schools was narrowly upheld at the Supreme Court of the United States in 1987.


In August 2007 Adnan Oktar, a Turkish creationist, was able to get a Turkish court to block Internet access to WordPress.com by all of Turkey.

see also