
2 unusual facts about Jaktorów-Kolonia

Celier Kiss

The Celier Kiss is a series of Polish autogyros that was designed by Frenchman Raphael Celier and produced by his company, Celier Aviation of Jaktorów-Kolonia, Poland.

Celier XeWing

The Celier XeWing (contraction of Xenon Wing) is a Polish ultralight aircraft that was designed by Frenchman Raphael Celier and produced by his company Celier Aviation of Jaktorów-Kolonia, Poland.

Gmina Kowala

Gmina Kowala contains the villages and settlements of Augustów, Bardzice, Dąbrówka Zabłotnia, Grabina, Huta Mazowszańska, Kończyce-Kolonia, Kosów,

Nazi persecution of the Catholic Church in Poland

In Kolonia Wilenska, Sister Anna Borkowska hid men from the Jewish underground from the Vilna ghetto.

Tadeusz Pikus

For two years he served as vicar and catechist in the parish of Holy Family in Jaktorów.

see also