
unusual facts about James A. Roosevelt

James A. Roosevelt

One of his granddaughters, the daughter of his son Alfred Roosevelt, Elfrida Roosevelt, married Sir Orme Bigland Clarke, 4th Baronet.

A Bird in the Head

Due to the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt on April 12, filming ended early out of respect for the deceased Commander-in-chief.

Abraham George Silverman

In the early days of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal, he worked for the Railroad Retirement Board in Washington, D.C. From there he found employment in the Federal Coordinator of Transport, the United States Tariff Commission and the Labor Advisory Board of the National Recovery Administration.

Alabama Air National Guard

Maj. James A. Meissner, a World War I ace who had flown with Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker, led the effort to form the unit and served as its first commander.

Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas

As it was a monetary law, it required the approval of the President of the United States; Franklin D. Roosevelt did not give his.

Black Cabinet

The Black Cabinet was first known as the Federal Council of Negro Affairs, an informal group of African-American public policy advisors to United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Compton I. White, Jr.

White was re-elected in the Democratic landslide of 1964, but was defeated for a third term in 1966 by Republican state senator Jim McClure of Payette.

Crédit Mobilier of America scandal

In 1872, the House of Representatives submitted the names of nine politicians to the Senate for investigation: Senators William B. Allison (R-IA), James A. Bayard, Jr. (D-DE), George S. Boutwell (R-MA), Roscoe Conkling (R-NY), James Harlan (R-IA), John Logan (R-IL), James W. Patterson (R-NH), and Henry Wilson (R-MA); and Vice President Schuyler Colfax (R-IN).

David F. Schmitz

The triumph of internationalism : Franklin D. Roosevelt and a world in crisis, 1933-1941 Washington, D.C. : Potomac Books, 2007 ISBN 9781574889307

Democracy: An American Novel

In a 1961 foreword to the novel, Henry D. Aiken states that the U.S. president of the novel "bears some resemblance to Andrew Johnson, to Garfield, and to Grant".

Edith Taliaferro

She made her acting debut at the age of two in Shore Acres with James A. Herne.

Eliza Grant

Her only records are a result of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Federal Writers’ Project, which she was interviewed for in 1938.

Emanuel Vardi

He had the distinction of being asked to perform a solo recital at the White House for President Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War II.

Frank S. Tavenner, Jr.

In 1938, he along with A.C. Buchanan were the choices of Virginia Senators Carter Glass and Harry Byrd, Sr., to a vacancy on the United States District Court for the Western District of Virginia, to which Franklin D. Roosevelt named instead Floyd H. Roberts.

History of antisemitism in the United States

On 4 June 1939, having failed to obtain permission to disembark passengers in Cuba, the St. Louis was also refused permission to unload on orders of President Roosevelt as the ship waited in the Caribbean Sea between Florida and Cuba.

Jakob Sederholm

In the 1974 historical novel Centennial, James Michener listed Sederholm among those scientists who made early estimates of the age of the Earth.

James A. Connolly

He ran unsuccessfully for election in 1886 to the Fiftieth Congress.

James A. Elkins

This behind-the-scenes socialization amongst leading Texas politicians and businessmen included the likes of Jesse Jones, Gus Wortham, James Abercrombie, George R. Brown, Herman Brown, Lyndon Johnson, William L. Clayton, William P. Hobby, Oscar Holcombe, Hugh Roy Cullen, and John Connally.

James A. Forbes

(born 1935) is the Senior Minister Emeritus of the Riverside Church, an interdenominational (American Baptist and United Church of Christ) church on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, New York City.

James A. Haley

Haley was elected as a Democrat to the Eighty-third and to the eleven succeeding Congresses (January 3, 1953 – January 3, 1977).

James A. Hamilton

He attended Public School No. 32 in Manhattan, and graduated from New York Evening High School in 1892, and B.A. from University of Rochester in 1898.

James A. Leonard

In 1861, Leonard visited Philadelphia, where he played a match against William Dwight, who later became a general in the Union Army.

James A. Martin

Just two weeks before Martin's death, he was visited by Ateneo de Manila University president Bienvenido Nebres, who gave him a jacket of the Ateneo basketball team that he had coached some 70 years earlier.

James A. Porter Colloquium on African American Art

Over the years the Colloquium's presenters have included leaders in the field, such as David C. Driskell, Ann Gibson, Leslie King Hammond, Samella Lewis, Lowery Stokes Sims, Deborah Willis and Judith Wilson.

James A. Schoenberger

He was Professor and Chairman of the Department of Preventive Medicine at Rush University Medical Center (1973–1994) and served as president of the American Heart Association (1980–81).

James A. Smith

James Alexander Smith (1881–1968), British soldier, recipient of the Victoria Cross

James A. Thurber

He was the principal investigator of a seven-year grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts to the Campaign Management Institute to study campaign conduct and a four-year study of lobbying and ethics from the Committee for Economic Development.

James A. Van Dyke

He began a practice with future Michigan Supreme Court justice Charles W. Whipple in 1835, later partnering with, in turn, E. B. Harrington and H. H. Emmons, before leaving private practice in 1852 to become the attorney for the Michigan Central Railroad.

James A. Wilson

James Arthur Wilson is a mathematician working on special functions and orthogonal polynomials who introduced Wilson polynomials, Askey–Wilson polynomials and the Askey–Wilson beta integral.

Junius F. Wells

Wells was also the author of eleven biographies, including those of John C. Frémont, Thomas L. Kane, Charles C. Rich, James A. Garfield, and Orson Pratt.

Lindenwood Park, St. Louis

Two nationally prominent Americans of the 1880s who are commemorated are General Winfield Scott Hancock, a Union general in the American Civil War and presidential nominee in 1880, and Chester A. Arthur, the Republican vice-president who succeeded to the presidency after the assassination of James A. Garfield in 1881.


Because of this traditionally polyphyletic use, some scientists, such as Paul Sereno, reject the family name Megalosauridae in favor of Torvosauridae (coined by Jensen in 1985), despite the fact that Megalosauridae has priority under the ICZN rules governing family-level names in zoology.

Morey Leonard Sear

On March 30, 1976, Sear was nominated by President Gerald Ford to a seat on that court vacated by James A. Comiskey.

Mount Hood Golf Club

The land that comprises Mount Hood was donated to the City of Melrose and developed as part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Works Progress Administration in the early 1930s.

It was built in the 1930s on donated land as part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Works Progress Administration and once consisted of a ski area.

Multicultural education

Joe L. Kincheloe and Shirley R. Steinberg, Peter McLaren, Henry Giroux, Antonia Darder, Christine Sleeter, Ernest Morrell, Sonia Nieto, Rochelle Brock, Cherry A. McGee Banks, James A. Banks, Nelson Rodriguez, Leila Villaverde and many other scholars of critical pedagogy have offered an emancipatory perspective on multicultural education.

National Cooperative Soil Survey

In 1933 Franklin D. Roosevelt created the Soil Erosion Service under the Department of the Interior.

National Jewish Welfare Board

In 1941, in a response to a mandate from President Franklin D. Roosevelt, six private organizations - the YMCA, YWCA, the National Jewish Welfare Board, the Traveler's Aid Association and the Salvation Army were challenged to handle the on-leave morale and recreational needs for members of the Armed Forces.

Palisades Interstate Parkway

With this favorable momentum for the new route, the proposed route was accepted as a Civil Works Administration project under Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal coalition.

Paul Martin Pearson

On October 19, 1933, the populace of the Virgin Islands voted in a popular referendum whether or not to ask President Franklin D. Roosevelt to withdraw him.

Point of divergence

In Philip K. Dick's The Man in the High Castle, an alternate history novel in which Germany and Japan win World War II, the point of divergence is Franklin D. Roosevelt's attempted assassination by Giuseppe Zangara in 1933, which did take place in its timeline and led to an Axis victory in a prolonged Second World War in 1948.

Puerto Rico Office of Management and Budget

The Office was formerly known as the "Bureau of the Budget", was created by Law 213 of May 12, 1942, during the administration of Governor Rexford Guy Tugwell, who was part of the brain trust of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and who was appointed as the last non-native Puerto Rican governor by Roosevelt.

Quit India Movement

The only outside support came from the Americans, as President Franklin D. Roosevelt pressured Prime Minister Winston Churchill to give in to Indian demands.

Roosevelt College

Named in honor of the American president Franklin D. Roosevelt, its former name was Roosevelt Memorial High School.

The Martyred Presidents

At the center of the altar, a viewing portal displays the portraits of three U.S. PresidentsAbraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, and William McKinley—each victims of assassination.

Tyler Kent

With a position that required him to encode and decode sensitive telegrams, Kent had access to a wide range of secret documents, especially the communications between Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt, and he began to take many of the more interesting ones home with him.

Van Allen Range

It was named after James A. Van Allen, an American scientist and one of the original organizers of the International Geophysical Year of 1957-58.


Their first deployment was with CVG-17 in late 1956 aboard the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Suez Crisis.

Walter Smith Cox

During his service, he presided over the trial of Charles J. Guiteau, the assassin of President James A. Garfield.

William Arthur Smith

Smith's work is represented in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, the National Portrait Gallery, Washington, D.C., the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., the James A. Michener Art Museum in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, and was the subject of solo exhibitions at the Toledo Museum of Art (1942 and 1952), at Bucknell University (1952) and in foreign cities in the 1960s and 1970s.

Woodland Opera House

Some notable performers on the WOH stage in the late 19th and early 20th century include Nance O'Neil, James A. Herne, Harry Davenport Madame Helena Modjeska, John Philip Sousa and his band, comics Weber and Fields, George M. Cohan's troupe, "Gentleman Jim" Corbett, John L. Sullivan as well as rising motion picture stars Sydney Greenstreet, Walter Huston and Verna Felton.

see also