Dannaldson’s most primitive adventure occurred on Marajó Island, at the mouth of the Amazon, where the movie company spent four weeks, ran out of imported food and had to subsist for five days on moldy doughnuts filled with small worms and on chickens which, Dannaldson said, seemed to be 90 per cent vulture.
The Wild Bunch (1969) (provided ants, scorpions, and vultures)
James Bond | James Joyce | James Brown | James Cook | James Stewart | James II of England | James Garner | James | James Cameron | James Taylor | James Madison | James May | Henry James | James Cagney | James II | James Caan | James Earl Jones | LeBron James | James Monroe | James Franco | James I | William James | James Wyatt | James, son of Zebedee | James Dean | James A. Garfield | Etta James | Jesse James | James Mason | Clive James |
Shackelford was cinematographer for the film crew of Clyde E. Elliott, Charles E. Ford and James Dannaldson, which shot some 260,000 feet of film on the lower reaches of the Amazon River in Spring 1942.