On April 25, 1864, in an action called the Battle of Marks' Mill, two Confederate cavalry brigades under the overall command of Brigadier General James Fagan, operating under Price, captured a Union wagon train of between 211 and 240 wagons and 1,300 men of the escort which Steele had sent to seek supplies from the federal depot at Pine Bluff.
Two other Confederate divisions, under Shelby and James Fagan, were poised to assault Blunt along Brush Creek the next day, hoping to defeat him before Pleasanton could arrive on the field in force.
The rebel divisions of Joseph O. Shelby and James Fagan had meanwhile received orders from Price to hold Curtis in front of Westport.
They, James and his sister Kate formed The Fagans, and have toured the Australian folk scene since the early 1980s.
James Bond | James Joyce | James Brown | James Cook | James Stewart | James II of England | James Garner | James | James Cameron | James Taylor | James Madison | James May | Henry James | James Cagney | James II | James Caan | James Earl Jones | LeBron James | James Monroe | James Franco | James I | William James | James Wyatt | James, son of Zebedee | James Dean | James A. Garfield | Etta James | Jesse James | James Mason | Clive James |
The album features a number of special guests, including: Fay Hield, James Fagan, Nancy Kerr, Maddy Prior, Martin Carthy, Martin Simpson and Eliza Carthy.
As a session singer, she has recorded with Maddie Southorn on "The Pilgrim Soul" (2005), and with Bram Taylor, Rick Kemp, John Wright, Sara Grey, Hughie Jones, Martyn Wyndham-Read, Nancy Kerr & James Fagan, John Connolly and many others.