Both Garrick and his younger brother James Francis (born 10 January 1836) were sent to Sydney solicitors to learn the legal trade.
Garrick was the second oldest of ten children of James Francis Garrick (b. 1803 in Deptford, Kent, England; d. 1874 in Sydney) and Catherine Eliza Garrick (née Branson, b. 1811 in Gibraltar; d. 1900 in Woollahra, Australia).
Both Garrick and his older brother Francis James (born 1833) were sent to Sydney solicitors to learn the legal trade.
James Bond | James Joyce | James Brown | James Cook | James Stewart | James II of England | James Garner | James | James Cameron | Francis Bacon | James Taylor | James Madison | Francis I of France | Francis Ford Coppola | James May | Pope Francis | Connie Francis | Henry James | James Cagney | James II | James Caan | James Earl Jones | LeBron James | James Monroe | James Franco | Francis I | James I | Francis Poulenc | William James | James Wyatt |