
unusual facts about James H. Baker

James H. Baker

He became a teacher, and had charge of the Female Seminary at Richmond, Indiana.

1849 in archaeology

James H. Simpson leads the Washington Expedition, a military reconnaissance team which surveys Navajo lands and records cultural sites in Chaco Canyon.

Anna P. Baker

Anna painted 18 paintings in which she visualized the French realist painter and sculptor, Rosa Bonheur, on imaginary world travels.

Benjamin Baker

Benjamin F. Baker (1862–1927), U.S. Navy sailor and Medal of Honor recipient

Bennett Jones

1959 – Partners James V.H. Milvain and James H. Laycraft win the last Canadian appeal before the Privy Council in London, England (Wakefield v. Oil City 1959 29 W.W.R. 638)

Bernard Baker

Bernard N. Baker (1854–1918), shipping magnate from Baltimore, Maryland

Bui Tuong Phong

His fellow students also supported him very much, as James H. Clark, Franklin C. Crow, George Randall, Dennis Ting and John Riley.

Center Park

Center Park, located at 2121 26th Avenue South, is a subsidized high-rise building complex located in the Mt. Baker neighborhood of Seattle, Washington, designed to provide living accommodation to physically or mentally challenged individuals and their caretakers.

Christopher W. Baker

He played the part of an artist and painting tutor in Joanna Hogg's film Archipelago, shot on Tresco, Isles of Scilly in 2009.

Dennis Port, Massachusetts

Famous residents of Dennis Port include U.S. military hero Benjamin F. Baker.

Edward Banker Willis

From San Diego, Willis marched with James H. Carleton's expedition across New Mexico Territory and was involved in the capture of Tucson, an old Spanish presidio defended by a handful of milita.

Edward L. Baker, Jr.

Baker is the maternal grandfather of jazz saxophonist and Oscar nominee Dexter Gordon.

Eva L. Baker

Baker has conducted studies of performance standards and national assessment policies for the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Education Forum Project, and the Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association.

She has served as chair of the Board on Testing and Assessment (BOTA) of the National Research Council, a recipient of an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Visiting Fellowship.

Glacier, Washington

Glacier is the community closest to Mt. Baker (northernmost of the Cascade volcanoes), is within 10 air miles of Mt. Baker's summit and a 20 mile drive to the Mt. Baker Ski Area with awe-inspiring views of Mount Shuksan, one of the most photographed mountains in the world.

Guy M. Townsend

In 1969, the Society of Experimental Test Pilots presented Townsend with the James H. Doolittle Award recognizing outstanding accomplishment in technical management or engineering achievement in aerospace technology.

Howard H. Baker, Jr. Center for Public Policy

Collections open for research include the papers of Senators Howard H. Baker, Jr., William Emerson Brock III, Estes Kefauver, Fred Dalton Thompson, Howard Baker, Sr., and Congresswoman Irene Baker.

Toward that end, the Baker Studies Program is sponsoring academic conferences on topics ranging from Senator Baker’s role in the Senate Watergate Committee’s investigation to the service rendered by Senator Baker as Senate minority and majority leader, President Richard Nixon’s overtures to Senator Baker as a possible successor to U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Marshall Harlan, and Senator Baker’s tenure as White House Chief of Staff to President Ronald Reagan.

INCAE Business School

Dean Baker sent three professors, George Cabot Lodge, Henry Arthur and Thomas Raymond, to gauge the level of support from the business community and society at large in each of the Central American countries for the project.

Isaac V. Baker, Jr.

Then he engaged in mercantile and agricultural pursuits, especially in breeding Merino sheep.

James Britton

James H. Britton (1817–1900), mayor of St. Louis, Missouri, United States

James Davenport

James H. Davenport (born 1953), professor of information technology at the University of Bath

James Fowler

James H. Fowler (born 1970), political science professor at the University of California, San Diego

James H. Billington

Billington created the Library’s first national private-sector advisory group, the James Madison Council, whose members have supported the NDL Program, many other Library outreach programs, and acquisitions for the Library’s collections.

James H. Coffman, Jr.

After bandaging his hand, Colonel Coffman picked up AK-47s from Commando casualties and fired them with his other hand until each ran out of ammunition.

James H. Davis

Jimmie Davis (James Houston Davis, 1899–2000), American singer and governor of Louisiana

James H. Dooley

His father (the original Major) had supported St. Joseph's Orphanage; his brother John attended Georgetown Seminary but died in 1873 before ordination; and his sister Sarah entered the Visitation monastery in Richmond.

James H. Ellis

When, a few years later, Diffie and Hellman published their 1976 paper, and shortly after that Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman announced their algorithm, Cocks, Ellis, and Williamson suggested that GCHQ announce that they had previously developed both.

James H. Hays

His first mine was opened in 1828, at the mouth of Street's Run, where it empties into the Monongahela River.

James H. Higgins

In 1912, he ran unsuccessfully as a Democratic candidate in the United States Senate election in Rhode Island.

James H. MacLafferty

MacLafferty was elected as a Republican to the Sixty-seventh Congress to fill the vacancy caused by the death of John A. Elston.

James H. Madole

The Beast Reawakens by Martin A. Lee (New York: Little, Brown and Company, 1997, ISBN 0-316-51959-6)

James H. Morey

Morey's Book and Verse is regarded as the standard work on English Biblical paraphrases.

James Peck

James H. Peck (1790–1836), American judge in Missouri impeached for abuse of power

James Wallis

James H. Wallis (1861–1940), Latter-day Saint hymnwriter, editor and Patriarch

John H. Ray

He was an assistant to special representative of Secretary of War Newton D. Baker in 1919.

L. D. Knox

In 1978, Knox and then Louisiana Secretary of State James H. "Jim" Brown of Ferriday in Concordia Parish, running as Democrats, unsuccessfully challenged the reelection of freshman Democratic U.S. Representative Jerry Huckaby.


James H. MacLafferty (1871-1937), a U.S. Representative from California

Madrid peace conference letter of invitation

The invitation was issued in the name of US President George H.W. Bush and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and signed by US Secretary of State James A. Baker, III and Boris Pankin for the Soviet Union, and a reply by October 23, 1991, was requested.

Marie Arana

For more than a decade she was the editor in chief of "Book World", the book review section of The Washington Post, during which time she instituted the partnership of The Washington Post with the White House (First Lady Laura Bush) and the Library of Congress (Dr. James H. Billington, Librarian of Congress) in hosting the annual National Book Festival on the Washington Mall.

Medal of Honor Aircraft

Some aircraft were recognized following their crew's award but were not preserved, including Butch O'Hare's F4F, which wasn't stricken until two and one half years after his MoH action, as well as Maj. James H. Howard's "borrowed" P-51, whose identity remains a mystery.

Murray Baker Bridge

The bridge is named for Murray M. Baker, who was the first vice president of the company that eventually became Caterpillar.

Myron H. McCord

The governor quickly responded by recommending James H. McClintock and Buckey O'Neill be appointed company commanders with Alexander O. Brodie recommended for the position of battalion commander.

National Digital Newspaper Program

On March 31, 2004, Bruce Cole, the directory of the NEH, and James Billington, the Librarian of Congress, signed an agreement creating the National Digital Newspaper Program.

Risch algorithm

The case of purely algebraic functions was solved and implemented in Reduce by James H. Davenport.

Robert A. Rushworth

Rushworth was a member of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots, and in 1975 received the SETP's James H. Doolittle Award for "outstanding accomplishment in technical management or engineering achievement in aerospace technology".

Social network analysis software

Christakis, Nicholas and James H. Fowler "The Spread of Obesity in a Large Social Network Over 32 Years," New England Journal of Medicine 357 (4): 370-379 (26 July 2007)

Surj Sahota

The Sahotas were at the forefront of seeking this recognition, performing live on Cilla Black’s Surprise, Surprise, Blue Peter, 8:15 from Manchester and Eggs 'n' Baker.

Symbolic integration

It was first implemented in Reduce in the case of purely transcendental functions; the case of purely algebraic functions was solved and implemented in Reduce by James H. Davenport; the general case was solved and implemented in Axiom by Manuel Bronstein.

Who Wrote The Dead Sea Scrolls?

William Edward Arnal and Michel Robert Desjardins in their Whose Historical Jesus? (1997) cites the book while comparing the different hypotheses on the "Qumranites", citing other scholars such as James H. Charlesworth (Jesus and the Dead Scrolls, 203) who judges that the Qumranites were one of the Essenes groups, and Hartmut Stegemann.

see also