. choreographed by James Kudelka at the occasion of the new works festival 2008 organized for the 75th anniversary of the San Francisco Ballet, he also danced Ibsen's House of Val Caniparoli created for the same occasion.
James Kudelka, OC, (born at Newmarket, Ontario on September 10, 1955), is a choreographer, dancer, and director.
She has had roles created for her by choreographers such as Mark Morris, James Kudelka, Christopher Stowell, Julia Adam, and Yuri Possokhov.
She has also created roles with James Kudelka, Crystal Pite, Dominique Dumais, Mikko Nissenen, and Jean Grand-Maitre and has been featured in the works of William Forsythe, Paul Taylor, Nicolo Fonte, Jiri Kylian, Martha Graham, and Twyla Tharp, among others.
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In 1998, Glasco launched a wrongful dismissal suit against the National Ballet of Canada instigated because artistic director James Kudelka dropped her from the company roster, allegedly because Glasco had questioned the allocation of funds for Kudelka's version of Swan Lake.