
5 unusual facts about James Polkinghorne

James Polkinghorne

This match, the purse for which was £200 a side for the best of three back falls, took place at Tamar Green, Morice Town, near Devonport, on 23 October 1826, in the presence of upwards of 12,000 spectators.

Polkinghorne's greatest match was on 23 October 1826 against Abraham Cann of Colebrooke who was the champion of Devon.

James Polkinghorne (1788 – 15 September 1854) was a champion Cornish wrestler of the 19th century.

The match took place at Devonport, and ten thousand people are said to have attended.

Richard Parkyn

"Parkyn, a friend of the Cornish hero James Polkinghorne died at Parkyn Shop where he and his ancestors resided during 170 years on 28 May 1853, aged 81 years."

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