
4 unusual facts about James Rhine

James Rhine

Originally allying with Eric 'Cappy' Littman and his group (later known as the Friendship alliance), he won his first Power of Veto in the "High and Dry" competition and chose not use it, which led to the eviction of fellow houseguest, Michael Donnellan.

The following week, Kaysar Ridha became Head of Household (HOH) and nominated James against Eric's secret partner Maggie Ausburn.

Over the next week, his fellow alliance member and subsequent HOH Kaysar's refusal to nominate the two Chilltown members Will Kirby and Mike "Boogie" Malin causes him to break away from the alliance and form the Legion of Doom with his friend Danielle Reyes and Chill Town.

Maggie Ausburn

She received the votes of Jennifer Vasquez, Rachel Plencner, Howie Gordon, and April Lewis while Ivette received the votes of James Rhine, Beau Beasley, and Janelle Pierzina.

see also