The film featured actor Jamie Hector, a/k/a "Marlo Stansfield" of the HBO's television series The Wire, as the narrator.
Hector starred in the 2007 film Blackout with Melvin Van Peebles and Jeffrey Wright, and was featured as recurring villain Benjamin "Knox" Washington in the third season of Heroes.
Hector Berlioz | Hector | Jamie Lee Curtis | Jamie Oliver | Jamie Foxx | Jamie Cullum | Jamie | Jamie McMurray | Jamie Hyneman | The Jamie Foxx Show | Jamie Reid | Jamie Kennedy | Jamie Bell | Hector Elizondo | Jamie Saft | Jamie Murray | Jamie Lidell | Jamie Hewlett | Jamie Durie | Jamie McKelvie | Héctor López | Charles Hector, comte d'Estaing | ''The Wake Of Jamie Foster'' | Jamie Redknapp | Jamie McCrimmon | Jamie Hector | Jamie Hartman | Jamie Dixon | Jamie Delano | Hector Guimard |