
unusual facts about Jan Albin Goetz

Jan Albin Goetz

Jan Albin Goetz (Jan Goetz-Okocimski) (born July 18, 1864 in Okocim, Poland, died April 24, 1931 in Okocim) was a Polish brewer of German ancestry, head of Okocim Brewery, a philanthropist and patron of the arts, a "Freiherr" (baron) of the Hapsburg Empire, a conservative politician, activist and a member of the Austrian parliament and Polish sejm.

Johann Evangelist Götz

Johann Evangelist Götz (Polish: Jan Ewangelista Goetz; born November 16, 1815, Langenenslingen in the County of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, died March 14, 1893, in Brzesko, Poland) was a German-Polish brewer, the founder of the Okocim Brewery and father of Jan Albin Goetz (also known as Jan Albin Goetz-Okocimiski) and the grandfather of Antoni Jan Goetz (Antoni Jan Goetz-Okocimiski).

see also