Arnold, Janet: Patterns of Fashion 2: Englishwomen's Dresses and Their Construction C.1860–1940, Wace 1966, Macmillan 1972.
Arnold, Janet: Patterns of Fashion: the cut and construction of clothes for men and women 1560–1620, Macmillan 1985.
A booklet on the development of wig styles in paintings at the National Portrait Gallery, London.
She funded the Janet Arnold Award to further in-depth study of Western dress, administered by the Society of Antiquaries of London.
Arnold Schwarzenegger | Janet Jackson | Arnold Schoenberg | Janet | Benedict Arnold | Arnold Palmer | Janet Maslin | Janet Napolitano | Arnold Bax | Matthew Arnold | Eddy Arnold | Hey Arnold! | Henry H. Arnold | David Arnold | Arnold Wesker | Thomas Arnold | Janet Fish | Janet Guthrie | Arnold Toynbee | Janet Parshall | Janet Gaynor | Arnold Rothstein | Arnold Friberg | Arnold Dreyblatt | Arnold Bennett | Janet Reno | Janet Kay | Arnold Sommerfeld | Richard R. Arnold | Pierre Janet |