Lindley currently lives in New York City, editing the literary and arts magazine Out of Nothing with collaborators Joe Milazzo and Janice Lee, and building robots part-time.
She is fending off political attacks from her former party Democratic Action Party (DAP) and other sects from the Pakatan Rakyat.
Robert E. Lee | Spike Lee | Jerry Lee Lewis | Bruce Lee | Peggy Lee | Lee Konitz | John Lee Hooker | Christopher Lee | Lee | Stan Lee | Lee Kuan Yew | Jamie Lee Curtis | Ang Lee | Washington and Lee University | Tim Berners-Lee | Lee Hsien Loong | Lee Strasberg | Stewart Lee | Rickie Lee Jones | Lee Marvin | Lee Greenwood | Gypsy Rose Lee | Fort Lee, New Jersey | Brenda Lee | Lee Harvey Oswald | Tommy Lee | Tommy Lee Jones | Lee Ranaldo | Dolores Lee | Lee H. Hamilton |