
2 unusual facts about Janusz Kochanowski

Janusz Kochanowski

During his academic career, Kochanowski was several times Visiting Fellow at the Max-Planck-Institute für Ausländisches und Internationales Strafrecht in Freiburg, the University of Augsburg, Jesus College at the University of Oxford, numerous colleges at the University of Cambridge, including Wolfson College, Robinson College, where he became elected senior member, Clare Hall, where he became a life member, and Peterhouse College.

Kochanowski was the editor-in-chief of the "Ius et Lex" magazine and the instigator and editor of a series of classics on the philosophy of law, which includes such books as: Etyka i Rządy Prawa "Ethics and the Rule of Law" by David Lyons; Autorytet prawa "The Authority of Law" by Joseph Raz; Prawo naturalne i uprawnienia naturalne "Natural Law and Natural Rights" by John Finnis and Moralność prawa "The Morality of Law" by Lon L. Fuller.

see also