
unusual facts about Jaragua


According to a local myth, in 1859, Ana das Dores left Jaraguá towards Bonfim (Silvânia), on a mule train travel.


Guarocuya was the nephew of Anacaona, sister to the cacique of Jaragua Bohechío and his eventual successor once Bohechío was killed.

Hispaniolan solenodon

Populations are found both within and outside protected areas such as the Jaragua, Del Este and Sierra de Baoruco National Parks.

Hyparrhenia rufa

Several species of leafcutter ants have been observed foraging on jaragua, including Atta capiguara and A. laevigata.


Large companies are located within the municipality, such as Henkel, Jaraguá, Cacau Show, Casa Suíça, Eurofarma, Alpla, Wyeth, Blanver, Bomi Brasil and others.

see also