He was a classmate of Major League baseball All Star starting pitcher Jason Marquis and a teammate of three-time Super Bowl winning offensive guard Joe Andruzzi.
Jason Marquis – Washington Nationals All Star starting pitcher; though born in Manhasset, New York, he was raised in Arden Heights and attended Tottenville High School, whose baseball team he pitched to two New York City championships.
Franco was talking in the weight room in August 2003 with Jason Marquis, when he leaned on the wrong stand at the wrong time and inspired an 80-pound weight to roll over his finger, breaking it.
Jason Mraz | Jason Alexander | David Jason | Jason Robards | Marquis de Sade | Jason Grimshaw | Jason Kidd | Jason Kenney | Jason Isaacs | Jason Statham | Jason Newsted | Marquis de Lafayette | Jason | Jason Priestley | Jason Aldean | Gilbert du Motier, marquis de Lafayette | Jason Scott Lee | Jason Schwartzman | Jason Mewes | Jason Ritter | Jason Donovan | Jason Bourne | Jason Aaron | Jason Williams | Jason Reeves | Jason McCoy | Jason McAteer | Jason Derulo | Jason Blaine | Jason Biggs |
Jones was replaced in left field by a platoon of Charles Thomas, an unknown rookie, and Eli Marrero, a fairly obscure catcher/outfielder who was considered the much less important half of the trade in which the Braves acquired him and J. D. Drew for pitchers Jason Marquis, Ray King, and Adam Wainwright.
That year he won 11 games before the All Star break; the only other Rockies pitchers to have done that through 2009 are Aaron Cook (2008), Jason Marquis (2009) and Ubaldo Jiménez (2010).